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x-k-Korean Dramas 2023

În ordinea apariției, voi enumera serialele coreene care au fost lansate în anul 2023.
Love to Hate You; 10 episodes
Love to Hate You
The Heavenly Idol; 12 episodes
The Heavenly Idol
Taxi Driver 2; 16 episodes
Taxi Driver 2
Call It Love; 16 episodes
Call It Love
Delivery Man; 12 episodes
Delivery Man
All the Liquors; 8 episodes
All the Liquors
Divorce Attorney Shin; 16 episodes
Divorce Attorney Shin
Oasis; 16 episodes
Our Dating Sim; 8 episodes
Our Dating Sim
Pandora  Beneath the Paradise; 16 episodes
Pandora Beneath the Paradise
Woman in a Veil; 103 episodes
Woman in a Veil
A Shoulder to Cry On; 7 episodes
A Shoulder to Cry On

Comentarii album • 1
oQueenDeokMan 16 March 2024  
Fiecare an aduce atatea k-drame bune...! Cateva din aceasta bogata lista, le-am vizionat! Mereu serialele coreene aduc un strop de prospetime in viata noastra! <3

Foarte sugestive pozele! :*
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